In recent decades, human activities have had a significant impact on the Arctic region. Climate change, caused by the fossil fuels burning and other human activities, has led to the warming of the Arctic at more than twice the rate of the rest of the planet. The global warming has been leading to the melting of sea ice, glaciers, and permafrost, with significant consequences for the Arctic's ecosystems and all the organisms depending on them. As the ice melts, new trade routes will be available, as well as the access to new fishing grounds and marine subsoil resources, e.g. oil and gas. These activities will also increase the pressure of anthropogenic impacts and further pollution risks on the Arctic's fragile ecosystems. Within the framework of the project “Study of mercury in the Arctic marine sediments” (RiS ID 11837) in cooperation with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Università Politecnica delle Marche (DiSVA-UNIVPM), a research study on the elemental composition and the spatial distribution of elements in the Kongsfjorden area has been carried out. Surface marine sediments were collected along two transects consisting of five and six sites, respectively. Marine sediments were lyophilized and microwave digested in a HNO3 solutions. Elemental composition was analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and by Direct Mercury Analysis System (DMA). TOC, ROC and TIC were also determined in order to characterize the collected marine sediments. Four main spatial profiles of metal contents can be recognized from the inner fjord to the outer fjord: (I) decreasing distribution pattern (Na, Al, K, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Zr, Ag, In, Cs, Ba, Hf, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, U), (II) increasing distribution pattern (S, Ca, Mo and Cd), (III) homogeneous distribution pattern (Mg, Si, P, As, and Sr) and (IV) undefined distribution pattern (Mn, Pd, Sn and Sb). As shown mostly of elements present higher values near the harbour while lower values in outer stations. Enrichment Factors highlighted that most of the elements have no to minor enrichment (<3) while Li, Mg, S, Cr, Ni, Gd, Tb, Bi and Ca have a moderate enrichment. Further research need to explain the moderately severe enrichment of As and the very severe enrichment of Se. The Arctic Sediment Quality Guidelines indicates Cr and Ni with values between the ASQG-low and ASQG-high, thus implying the possible occurrence of adverse biological effects. Our results demonstrated the necessity of ongoing monitoring efforts to preserve the pristine ecosystem and assess changes in metal concentrations in the Kongsfjorden fjord.
Negli ultimi decenni, le attività umane hanno avuto un impatto significativo sulla regione artica. Il cambiamento climatico, causato dalla combustione di combustibili fossili e da altre attività umane, ha portato al riscaldamento dell'Artico a un tasso più che doppio rispetto al resto del pianeta. Il riscaldamento globale ha portato allo scioglimento dei ghiacci marini, dei ghiacciai e del permafrost, con conseguenze significative per gli ecosistemi artici e per tutti gli organismi che ne dipendono. Con lo scioglimento dei ghiacci, saranno disponibili nuove rotte commerciali e l'accesso a nuove zone di pesca e risorse del sottosuolo marino, come petrolio e gas. Queste attività aumenteranno anche la pressione degli impatti antropici e ulteriori rischi di inquinamento sui fragili ecosistemi dell'Artico. Nell'ambito del progetto "Study of mercury in the Arctic marine sediments" (RiS ID 11837) in collaborazione con la Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) e l'Università Politecnica delle Marche (DiSVA-UNIVPM), è stato condotto uno studio sulla composizione elementare e sulla distribuzione spaziale degli elementi nell'area del Kongsfjorden. I sedimenti marini superficiali sono stati raccolti lungo due transetti composti rispettivamente da cinque e sei siti. I sedimenti marini sono stati liofilizzati e digeriti a microonde in soluzioni di HNO3. La composizione elementare è stata analizzata con la spettrometria di massa al plasma ad accoppiamento induttivo (ICP-MS) e con il sistema di analisi diretta del mercurio (DMA). Per caratterizzare i sedimenti marini raccolti sono stati determinati anche TOC, ROC e TIC. Dal fiordo interno a quello esterno si possono riconoscere quattro profili spaziali principali del contenuto di metalli: (I) distribuzione decrescente (Na, Al, K, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Zr, Ag, In, Cs, Ba, Hf, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, U), (II) distribuzione crescente (S, Ca, Mo e Cd), (III) distribuzione omogenea (Mg, Si, P, As e Sr) e (IV) distribuzione indefinita (Mn, Pd, Sn e Sb). Come mostrato, la maggior parte degli elementi presenta valori più alti vicino al porto, mentre i valori più bassi nelle stazioni esterne. I fattori di arricchimento hanno evidenziato che la maggior parte degli elementi non presenta alcun arricchimento (<3), mentre Li, Mg, S, Cr, Ni, Gd, Tb, Bi e Ca presentano un arricchimento moderato. Ulteriori ricerche devono spiegare l'arricchimento moderato e grave di As e l'arricchimento molto grave di Se. Le linee guida per la qualità dei sedimenti artici indicano che Cr e Ni hanno valori compresi tra ASQG-basso e ASQG-alto, il che implica il possibile verificarsi di effetti biologici avversi. I nostri risultati hanno dimostrato la necessità di un monitoraggio continuo per preservare l'ecosistema incontaminato e valutare i cambiamenti nelle concentrazioni di metalli nel fiordo di Kongsfjorden.
In recent decades, human activities have had a significant impact on the Arctic region. Climate change, caused by the fossil fuels burning and other human activities, has led to the warming of the Arctic at more than twice the rate of the rest of the planet. The global warming has been leading to the melting of sea ice, glaciers, and permafrost, with significant consequences for the Arctic's ecosystems and all the organisms depending on them. As the ice melts, new trade routes will be available, as well as the access to new fishing grounds and marine subsoil resources, e.g. oil and gas. These activities will also increase the pressure of anthropogenic impacts and further pollution risks on the Arctic's fragile ecosystems. Within the framework of the project “Study of mercury in the Arctic marine sediments” (RiS ID 11837) in cooperation with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Università Politecnica delle Marche (DiSVA-UNIVPM), a research study on the elemental composition and the spatial distribution of elements in the Kongsfjorden area has been carried out. Surface marine sediments were collected along two transects consisting of five and six sites, respectively. Marine sediments were lyophilized and microwave digested in a HNO3 solutions. Elemental composition was analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and by Direct Mercury Analysis System (DMA). TOC, ROC and TIC were also determined in order to characterize the collected marine sediments. Four main spatial profiles of metal contents can be recognized from the inner fjord to the outer fjord: (I) decreasing distribution pattern (Na, Al, K, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Zr, Ag, In, Cs, Ba, Hf, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, U), (II) increasing distribution pattern (S, Ca, Mo and Cd), (III) homogeneous distribution pattern (Mg, Si, P, As, and Sr) and (IV) undefined distribution pattern (Mn, Pd, Sn and Sb). As shown mostly of elements present higher values near the harbour while lower values in outer stations. Enrichment Factors highlighted that most of the elements have no to minor enrichment (<3) while Li, Mg, S, Cr, Ni, Gd, Tb, Bi and Ca have a moderate enrichment. Further research need to explain the moderately severe enrichment of As and the very severe enrichment of Se. The Arctic Sediment Quality Guidelines indicates Cr and Ni with values between the ASQG-low and ASQG-high, thus implying the possible occurrence of adverse biological effects. Our results demonstrated the necessity of ongoing monitoring efforts to preserve the pristine ecosystem and assess changes in metal concentrations in the Kongsfjorden fjord.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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