The thesis, written in English, aims to analyse and highlight the importance of the use of artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry and in particular in particularly in production management. It examines the main issues related to the planning, control and optimisation of production; topics such as the fourth industrial revolution, the Kaizen philosophy, Zero Defect Manufacturing, the use of AI in industry, the concept of Machine Learning, the different types of Machine Learning algorithms with a greater focus on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). The concepts concepts expressed within the thesis are supported by the information obtained from the internship experience experience within the research centre CIGIP, "Centro de Investigación en Gestión e Ingeniería de Producción' of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The work mainly focused on studying and writing a DRL algorithm with the Python programming language for production planning, within the framework of the European project AIDEAS, 'AI Driven Industrial Equipment Product Life Cycle Boosting Agility, Sustainability and Resilience', of the Horizon Europe Framework (HORIZON). In this regard, the thesis presents the solution, expressed through the IIRA standard, followed by a detailed description of the algorithm's description of how the algorithm works, its structure and an evaluation of the results obtained. of the results obtained. The algorithm is focused on a specific problem: the optimal sequencing of items in a flow-shop system. Having as input data processing times of different articles in different machines and the values of the extra time, the Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm is able to choose the correct sequence of machining operations to be carried out to obtain the lowest makespan value, indicate which other sequences lowest makespan value, indicate which other sequences, if any, could lead to the same result and subsequently indicate the best of those selected on the basis of extra time. In the analysis phase, in addition to highlighting the correct functioning of the algorithm the results obtained are conditioned by the parameters on which the algorithm works. on which the algorithm works. At the end of the code description, the possible next next steps that can be realised
La tesi, scritta in inglese, ha l’obiettivo di analizzare ed evidenziare l'importanza dell'utilizzo dell'intelligenza artificiale nell'industria manifatturiera e in particolar modo nella gestione della produzione. Al suo interno sono esaminate le principali problematiche legate alla pianificazione, al controllo e all'ottimizzazione della produzione; sono affrontate temi come la quarta rivoluzione industriale, la filosofia Kaizen, lo Zero Defect Manufacturing, l’utilizzo dell'AI nell’industria, il concetto di Machine Learning, le diverse tipologie di algoritmi di Machine Learning con un maggiore approfondimento rivolto al Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). I concetti espressi all’interno della tesi sono supportati dalle informazioni ottenute dall'esperienza di tirocinio svolta all'interno del centro di ricerca CIGIP, "Centro de Investigación en Gestión e Ingeniería de Producción" dell'Università Politecnica di Valencia. Il lavoro si è concentrato prevalentemente sullo studio e la stesura di un algoritmo DRL con il linguaggio di programmazione Python per la pianificazione della produzione, nell'ambito del progetto europeo AIDEAS, "AI Driven Industrial Equipment Product Life Cycle Boosting Agility, Sustainability and Resilience", del programma Horizon Europe Framework (HORIZON). Proprio a tal riguardo nella tesi è presentata la soluzione ideata, espressa tramite lo standard IIRA, seguita da una descrizione dettagliata del funzionamento dell'algoritmo, della sua struttura e infine una valutazione dei risultati ottenuti. L’algoritmo è incentrato su un problema specifico: il sequenziamento ottimale di articoli in un sistema flow-shop. Avendo come input i dati sulla durata delle lavorazioni di diversi articoli nelle differenti macchine e i valori degli extra-time, l'algoritmo di Deep Reinforcement Learning è in grado di scegliere la giusta sequenza delle lavorazioni da eseguire in grado di ottenere il valore di makespan più basso, indicare quali altre sequenze, se esistenti, possano portare allo stesso risultato e successivamente indicare, fra quelle selezionate, le migliori in base agli extra-time. Nella fase di analisi oltre a mettere in evidenza il corretto funzionamento dell’algoritmo viene evidenziato come i risultati ottenuti siano condizionati dai parametri sui quali lavora l’algoritmo. Al termine della descrizione del codice vengono indicati i possibili passi successivi da poter realizzare.
L'intelligenza artificiale nella pianificazione della produzione
The thesis, written in English, aims to analyse and highlight the importance of the use of artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry and in particular in particularly in production management. It examines the main issues related to the planning, control and optimisation of production; topics such as the fourth industrial revolution, the Kaizen philosophy, Zero Defect Manufacturing, the use of AI in industry, the concept of Machine Learning, the different types of Machine Learning algorithms with a greater focus on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). The concepts concepts expressed within the thesis are supported by the information obtained from the internship experience experience within the research centre CIGIP, "Centro de Investigación en Gestión e Ingeniería de Producción' of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The work mainly focused on studying and writing a DRL algorithm with the Python programming language for production planning, within the framework of the European project AIDEAS, 'AI Driven Industrial Equipment Product Life Cycle Boosting Agility, Sustainability and Resilience', of the Horizon Europe Framework (HORIZON). In this regard, the thesis presents the solution, expressed through the IIRA standard, followed by a detailed description of the algorithm's description of how the algorithm works, its structure and an evaluation of the results obtained. of the results obtained. The algorithm is focused on a specific problem: the optimal sequencing of items in a flow-shop system. Having as input data processing times of different articles in different machines and the values of the extra time, the Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm is able to choose the correct sequence of machining operations to be carried out to obtain the lowest makespan value, indicate which other sequences lowest makespan value, indicate which other sequences, if any, could lead to the same result and subsequently indicate the best of those selected on the basis of extra time. In the analysis phase, in addition to highlighting the correct functioning of the algorithm the results obtained are conditioned by the parameters on which the algorithm works. on which the algorithm works. At the end of the code description, the possible next next steps that can be realisedFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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embargo fino al 25/05/2025
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