Economy and environment have followed divergent paths throughout history, strengthened by the prejudice that environmental protection can represent a constraint on economic growth. In the wake of the affirmation and consolidation of "environmental awareness", the need to seek a connection between economy and ecology has emerged that "gave voice" to the dangerously underestimated contribution that natural resources make to the economy. This need required the formulation of new theoretical paradigms that would allow the economic evaluation of environmental goods which, understood as public goods, often have no market reference and therefore price. While on the one hand the ecosystem services offered by forests and other ecosystems are fundamental for life on the planet, on the other hand they are of little economic relevance. Furthermore, if they are not quantified at an economic level they cannot be exchanged on the markets, remaining largely "invisible" and underestimated by the markets themselves and by politics. This work fits into this context, as the last piece of a series of analyzes and projects carried out within the framework of a Research Agreement between the Unione Montana Alta Valle del Metauro and the Polytechnic University of Marche (Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences and environmental). The agreement is aimed at finding sustainable management methods with particular attention to the ecosystem services of the Cesane Regional State Forest, in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, which, in 2017, was the scene of a major fire. Chapter 2 illustrates the environmental characteristics of the study area of the Cesane Regional State Forest, the problems of evaluation for environmental assets and the related solutions proposed by the scientific community as well as that used to evaluate ecosystem services. Chapter 3 reports the main ecosystem services identified in the Cesane forest, taking the CICES V 5.1 classification scheme as reference. We then proceeded with the analysis of the identified ecosystem services, through the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and the setting of an estimate of the "willingness to pay" (DAP) for the use of the forest by visitors through the contingent valuation method (CVM). The IPA analysis allows us to identify the attitudes of the interviewees, relating their interests in the mountain area and how these interests perform in the Cesane area
Economia e ambiente hanno seguito nella storia percorsi divergenti rafforzati dal pregiudizio che la difesa dell’ambiente possa rappresentare un vincolo alla crescita economica.Sulla scia dell’affermarsi e consolidarsi della “coscienza ambientale” è emersa la necessità di ricercare un nesso tra economia ed ecologia che “desse voce” al contributo, pericolosamente sottostimato, che le risorse naturali apportano all’economia Tale necessità ha richiesto la formulazione di nuovi paradigmi teorici che consentissero la valutazione economica dei beni ambientali i quali, intesi come beni pubblici, spesso non hanno mercato di riferimento e dunque prezzo. Se da un lato i servizi ecosistemici offerti da foreste e altri ecosistemi sono fondamentali per la vita sul pianeta, dall’altro risultano poco rilevanti a livello economico. Peraltro se non vengono quantificati a livello economico non possono essere scambiati sui mercati, restando in larga parte "invisibili" e sottovalutati dai mercati stessi e dalla politica. In tale contesto si inserisce questo lavoro, come ultimo tassello di una serie di analisi e progetti realizzati nell’ambito di una Convenzione di Ricerca tra l’Unione Montana Alta Valle del Metauro e l'Università Politecnica delle Marche (Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari ed Ambientale). La convenzione è finalizzata alla ricerca di modalità di gestione sostenibile con particolare attenzione ai servizi ecosistemici della Foresta Demaniale Regionale Cesane, in provincia di Pesaro e Urbino, che, nel 2017, è stata lo scenario di un portante incendio. Il capitolo 2 illustra le caratteristiche ambientali dell’area di studio della Foresta Demaniale Regionale delle Cesane, le problematiche della valutazione per i beni ambientali e le relative soluzioni proposte dalla comunità scientifiche nonché quella utilizzata per valutare i servizi ecosistemici. Nel capitolo 3 sono riportati i principali servizi ecosistemici individuati nella foresta delle Cesane, prendendo come riferimento lo schema di classificazione CICES V 5.1. Si è poi proceduto alla analisi dei servizi ecosistemici individuati, tramite la Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) e la impostazione di una stima della “disponibilità a pagare” (DAP) per la fruizione della foresta da parte dei visitatori attraverso il metodo della valutazione contingente (CVM). L’analisi IPA permette di individuare gli atteggiamenti degli intervistati, mettendo in relazione i loro interessi nell’ambito montano e come questi interessi performano nell’area delle Cesane
Economy and environment have followed divergent paths throughout history, strengthened by the prejudice that environmental protection can represent a constraint on economic growth. In the wake of the affirmation and consolidation of "environmental awareness", the need to seek a connection between economy and ecology has emerged that "gave voice" to the dangerously underestimated contribution that natural resources make to the economy. This need required the formulation of new theoretical paradigms that would allow the economic evaluation of environmental goods which, understood as public goods, often have no market reference and therefore price. While on the one hand the ecosystem services offered by forests and other ecosystems are fundamental for life on the planet, on the other hand they are of little economic relevance. Furthermore, if they are not quantified at an economic level they cannot be exchanged on the markets, remaining largely "invisible" and underestimated by the markets themselves and by politics. This work fits into this context, as the last piece of a series of analyzes and projects carried out within the framework of a Research Agreement between the Unione Montana Alta Valle del Metauro and the Polytechnic University of Marche (Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences and environmental). The agreement is aimed at finding sustainable management methods with particular attention to the ecosystem services of the Cesane Regional State Forest, in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, which, in 2017, was the scene of a major fire. Chapter 2 illustrates the environmental characteristics of the study area of the Cesane Regional State Forest, the problems of evaluation for environmental assets and the related solutions proposed by the scientific community as well as that used to evaluate ecosystem services. Chapter 3 reports the main ecosystem services identified in the Cesane forest, taking the CICES V 5.1 classification scheme as reference. We then proceeded with the analysis of the identified ecosystem services, through the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and the setting of an estimate of the "willingness to pay" (DAP) for the use of the forest by visitors through the contingent valuation method (CVM). The IPA analysis allows us to identify the attitudes of the interviewees, relating their interests in the mountain area and how these interests perform in the Cesane areaFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 18/08/2025
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