BACKGROUND. Mixoid liposarcoma (LPSM) falls into the group of sarcomas with adipose differentiation, representing the second frequency group among all types of liposarcomas. However, it is far from being a homogeneous entity because within LPSM we find tumors that follow very different models of behavior and clinical evolution. OBJECTIVES. The main objective of this study is to describe the magnetic resonance (MR) characteristics of the mixoid liposarcomas diagnosed at the Virgen del Rocio University Hospital and to determine if there is an association between the data analyzed by magnetic resonance and the histological degree that allows to differentiate low and high grade tumors, helping in decision making. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Thirty-six patients, with diagnosis and treatment at the LPSM center of the Virgen del Rocio Hospital in Seville, in the period from January 2010 to December 2018, were included. The clinical variables analyzed were age, gender and tumor’s location and the MRI characteristics assessed were size, depth (localization of the tumor in the superficial / deep seat), margins, fraction of adipose tissue, fraction of mixoid tissue, fraction of non-fatty-non-mixoid tissue, value of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and percentage of enhancement after intravenous contrast administration. The variables analyzed by MRI were related to the histological grade and the percentage of round cells obtained in the biopsy or surgical piece. RESULTS. In the present work, the LPSM mainly affects young adults (median age 43 years), without significant gender differences, in the lower limbs (97.2%), the majority (86.1%) with localization in the deep seat and with well-defined margins (77.8%). 69.6% (16/23) of LPSM without evidence of adipose tissue were of high grade (p = 0.010). All tumors with a mixoid tissue fraction <25% corresponded to high grade lesions (p = 0.018). All tumors with a non-fatty and non-myxoid tissue fraction> 75% were of high grade (p = 0.045). Tumors with a non-fatty and non-myxoid tissue fraction> 50% had on average 10% more round cells than tumors with a non-fatty and non-myxoid tissue fraction </= 50%, although it was not possible to demonstrate a statistically significant association due to the small size of the study sample. The ADC values obtained in the sample were high (median of 2 x 10-3 mm 2 / s) despite the absence of a statistically significant association with low-high grade tumors. 83.3% of patients with enhancement between 50-75% were significantly of high grade (p = 0.014). CONCLUSIONS. Magnetic resonance imaging proves to be a useful diagnostic tool to distinguish high-low grade LPSM and thus assist in clinical decision making. Keywords. Mixoid liposarcoma, magnetic resonance imaging, histology, round cells.
BACKGROUND. Il liposarcoma mixoide (LPSM) rientra nel gruppo di sarcomi con differenziazione adiposa, rappresentando il secondo gruppo in frequenza tra tutti i tipi di liposarcomi. Tuttavia, è lungi dall'essere un'entità omogenea perché all'interno LPSM troviamo tumori che seguono modelli di comportamento ed evoluzione clinica molto differenti. OBIETTIVI. L’obiettivo principale di questo studio è descrivere le caratteristiche di risonanza magnetica (MR) dei liposarcomi mixoidi diagnosticati presso l’Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio e di determinare se esiste un'associazione tra i dati analizzati mediante risonanza magnetica e il grado istologico che consenta di differenziare tumori di basso ed alto grado, aiutando nel processo decisionale. MATERIALI E METODI. Sono stati inclusi 36 pazienti con diagnosi e trattamento presso il centro LPSM dell’Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio di Siviglia nel periodo da gennaio 2010 a dicembre 2018. Sono state analizzate le variabili cliniche: età, sesso e localizzazione e sono state valutate le caratteristiche RM: dimensioni, profondità (localizzazione del tumore in sede superficiale/profonda), margini, frazione di tessuto adiposo, frazione di tessuto mixoide, frazione di tessuto non grasso-non mixoide, valore del coefficiente di diffusione apparente (ADC) e percentuale di enhancement dopo somministrazione endovenosa di contrasto. Le variabili analizzate mediante RM sono state relazionate con il grado istologico e la percentuale di cellule rotonde ottenuti nella biopsia o pezzo chirurgico. RISULTATI. Nel presente lavoro, il LPSM colpisce principalmente i giovani adulti (mediana di età 43 anni), senza differenze significative di genere, negli arti inferiori (97,2%) , la maggioranza (86,1%) con localizzazione in sede profonda e con margini ben definiti (77,8 % ). Il 69,6% (16/23) dei LPSM senza evidenza di tessuto adiposo sono risultati di alto grado (p = 0,010). Tutti i tumori con una frazione del tessuto mixoide <25% corrispondevano a lesioni di grado elevato (p = 0,018). Tutti i tumori con una frazione di tessuto non grasso e non mixoide> 75% erano di grado elevato (p = 0,045 ). I tumori con una frazione di tessuto non grasso e non mixoide> 50% presentavano in media il 10% in più di cellule rotonde rispetto ai tumori con una frazione di tessuto non grasso e non mixoide </= 50%, sebbene non sia stato possibile dimostrare un'associazione statisticamente significativa a causa della piccola dimensione del campione di studio. I valori di ADC ottenuti nel campione sono stati alti (mediana di 2 x 10-3 mm 2 /s) nonostante l’assenza di un’associazione statisticamente significativa con tumori di basso-alto grado. L'83,3% dei pazienti con enhancement tra il 50-75% risultarono significativamente di alto grado (p = 0,014). CONCLUSIONI. La risonanza magnetica si dimostra uno strumento diagnostico utile per distinguere LPSM di alto-basso grado e quindi aiutare nel processo decisionale clinico. Parole chiave. Liposarcoma mixoide, risonanza magnetica, istologia , cellule rotonde.
Liposarcoma mixoide: caratteristiche RM e correlazioni istotipiche.
BACKGROUND. Mixoid liposarcoma (LPSM) falls into the group of sarcomas with adipose differentiation, representing the second frequency group among all types of liposarcomas. However, it is far from being a homogeneous entity because within LPSM we find tumors that follow very different models of behavior and clinical evolution. OBJECTIVES. The main objective of this study is to describe the magnetic resonance (MR) characteristics of the mixoid liposarcomas diagnosed at the Virgen del Rocio University Hospital and to determine if there is an association between the data analyzed by magnetic resonance and the histological degree that allows to differentiate low and high grade tumors, helping in decision making. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Thirty-six patients, with diagnosis and treatment at the LPSM center of the Virgen del Rocio Hospital in Seville, in the period from January 2010 to December 2018, were included. The clinical variables analyzed were age, gender and tumor’s location and the MRI characteristics assessed were size, depth (localization of the tumor in the superficial / deep seat), margins, fraction of adipose tissue, fraction of mixoid tissue, fraction of non-fatty-non-mixoid tissue, value of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and percentage of enhancement after intravenous contrast administration. The variables analyzed by MRI were related to the histological grade and the percentage of round cells obtained in the biopsy or surgical piece. RESULTS. In the present work, the LPSM mainly affects young adults (median age 43 years), without significant gender differences, in the lower limbs (97.2%), the majority (86.1%) with localization in the deep seat and with well-defined margins (77.8%). 69.6% (16/23) of LPSM without evidence of adipose tissue were of high grade (p = 0.010). All tumors with a mixoid tissue fraction <25% corresponded to high grade lesions (p = 0.018). All tumors with a non-fatty and non-myxoid tissue fraction> 75% were of high grade (p = 0.045). Tumors with a non-fatty and non-myxoid tissue fraction> 50% had on average 10% more round cells than tumors with a non-fatty and non-myxoid tissue fractionFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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