ABSTRACT - Background: - Sepsis is an organ dysfunction, leading to death, induced by a disordered host response to infection. If left untreated, it can lead to septic shock, multiple organ failure and death. Scientific literature demonstrates that the long-term effects of sepsis, known as post-sepsis syndrome, linger for months or years on survivors, who suffer from persistent physical, cognitive and psychological consequences. A suitable team is made up of nurses and doctors, using innovative knowledge, such as shared decision making (SDM) and follow-up management. - Objective: - The objective of the study is to investigate what nursing interventions should be implemented for the early identification and management of the patient in a septic state, immediately due to the high morbidity and mortality, reducing the complications resulting from it and avoid poor prognosis. - Materials and methods: - The study is a review of the literature, consulting databases such as Pubmed and Google Scholar. Guidelines and studies have been identified regarding interventions and nursing activities for the management of sepsis and septic shock, published in the last five years. - Results: - Nursing care of the patient in a state of shock requires continuous systematic assessment. The nurse takes care of the patient with the targeted nursing assessment. Nursing interventions for the treatment and management of sepsis include: timely identification of the septic state, carrying out the necessary treatment as per guidelines (sepsis bundles), recognizing and managing altered perfusion and shock, promoting defense mechanisms of the organism and monitor the evolution of the disease. Patient monitoring is based on the new diagnostic criteria, of nursing competence, with the use of programs and tools such as SIRS, qSOFA, NEWS, MEWS, which have been perfected over time and due to their simplicity are used, even outside the UTI. Laboratory tests, after the collection of appropriate cultures by the nurse, are essential before starting antimicrobial therapy in patients with suspected sepsis and septic shock, where there is also the problem of reducing the Turn Around Time (TAT) , because it is necessary to distinguish it early from other conditions by evaluating and monitoring the function of the organs. Source control, a nursing responsibility, is important to identify the origin of a possible infection. In emergency departments, to measure vital parameters, the nurse uses the ABCDE approach and the detection of the patient's physiological parameters (HR, BP, TC, HR and Pain). Other nursing skills include shared decision making (SDM) and follow-up management to address symptoms and distress in patients and their families. - Conclusion: - Research has made substantial progress in recent decades and has led to important therapeutic advances and improvements in outcomes, but there are still many gaps to be filled. Further training courses and dissemination of knowledge are necessary, in fact the rapid recognition and timely treatment of septic patients, thanks to teams made up of doctors and nurses, constitutes a fundamental element capable of improving the prognosis. This thesis work has highlighted the importance of knowledge and dissemination of the SSC Guidelines for the prevention and management of sepsis and septic shock.
ABSTRACT - Background - La sepsi è una disfunzione d’organo, che porta alla morte, indotta da una risposta disordinata dell’ospite all’infezione. Se non viene trattata, può portare a shock settico, insufficienza multi-organo e morte. La letteratura scientifica dimostra che gli effetti a lungo termine della sepsi, noti come sindrome post-sepsi, si protraggono per mesi o anni sui sopravvissuti, i quali soffrono di conseguenze fisiche, cognitive e psicologiche persistenti. Un team idoneo è formato da infermieri e medici, utilizzando conoscenze innovative, come il processo decisionale condiviso (SDM) e la gestione del follow-up. - Obiettivo: - L’obiettivo dello studio è quello di indagare quali siano gli interventi infermieristici da mettere in atto per l’identificazione precoce e la gestione del paziente in uno stato settico, nell’immediato per l’elevata morbilità e mortalità, riducendo le complicanze derivate da esso ed evitare la prognosi sfavorevole. - Materiali e metodi: - Lo studio è una revisione della letteratura, consultando banche dati quali Pubmed e Google Scholar. Sono stati individuati Linee Guida e studi che riguardano gli interventi e le attività infermieristiche per la gestione della sepsi e dello shock settico, pubblicati negli ultimi cinque anni. - Risultati: - L’assistenza infermieristica del paziente in stato di shock richiede una valutazione sistematica continua. L’infermiere prende in carico il paziente con l’accertamento infermieristico mirato. Gli interventi di natura infermieristica per la cura e gestione della sepsi comprendono: l’identificazione tempestiva dello stato settico, eseguire come da linee guida il trattamento necessario (sepsi bundles), riconoscere e gestire la perfusione alterata e lo shock, favorire i meccanismi di difesa dell’organismo e controllare l’evoluzione della malattia. Il monitoraggio del paziente si basa sui nuovi criteri diagnostici, di competenza infermieristica, con l’utilizzo di programmi e strumenti come SIRS, qSOFA, NEWS, MEWS, che nel tempo si sono perfezionati e per la loro semplicità vengono utilizzati, anche fuori dall’ UTI. I test di laboratorio, dopo la raccolta delle colture appropriate da parte dell’infermiere, sono indispensabili prima di iniziare la terapia antimicrobica in pazienti con sospetta sepsi e shock settico, dove c’è anche la problematica della riduzione del Turn Around Time (TAT), perché occorre distinguerla, precocemente, da altre condizioni, valutando e monitorando la funzione degli organi. Il controllo della fonte, di competenza infermieristica, è importante per individuare l’origine di un eventuale infezione. Nei reparti di emergenza, per la misurazione dei parametri vitali, l’infermiere utilizza l’approccio ABCDE e la rilevazione dei parametri fisiologici (FC, PA, TC, FC e Dolore) del paziente. Altre competenze infermieristiche sono il processo decisionale condiviso (SDM) e la gestione del follow-up per affrontare i sintomi e la sofferenza nei pazienti e nelle loro famiglie. - Conclusione: La ricerca ha fatto progressi sostanziali negli ultimi decenni ed ha portato a importanti progressi terapeutici e miglioramenti dei risultati, ma ci sono ancora molte lacune da colmare. Sono necessari ulteriori corsi di formazione e diffusione della conoscenza, infatti il rapido riconoscimento e tempestivo trattamento dei pazienti settici, grazie ai team composti da medici e infermieri, costituisce un elemento fondamentale, in grado di migliorare la prognosi. Questo lavoro di tesi ha evidenziato l’importanza della conoscenza e della diffusione delle Linee Guida SSC, per la prevenzione e la gestione della sepsi e dello shock settico.
ABSTRACT - Background: - Sepsis is an organ dysfunction, leading to death, induced by a disordered host response to infection. If left untreated, it can lead to septic shock, multiple organ failure and death. Scientific literature demonstrates that the long-term effects of sepsis, known as post-sepsis syndrome, linger for months or years on survivors, who suffer from persistent physical, cognitive and psychological consequences. A suitable team is made up of nurses and doctors, using innovative knowledge, such as shared decision making (SDM) and follow-up management. - Objective: - The objective of the study is to investigate what nursing interventions should be implemented for the early identification and management of the patient in a septic state, immediately due to the high morbidity and mortality, reducing the complications resulting from it and avoid poor prognosis. - Materials and methods: - The study is a review of the literature, consulting databases such as Pubmed and Google Scholar. Guidelines and studies have been identified regarding interventions and nursing activities for the management of sepsis and septic shock, published in the last five years. - Results: - Nursing care of the patient in a state of shock requires continuous systematic assessment. The nurse takes care of the patient with the targeted nursing assessment. Nursing interventions for the treatment and management of sepsis include: timely identification of the septic state, carrying out the necessary treatment as per guidelines (sepsis bundles), recognizing and managing altered perfusion and shock, promoting defense mechanisms of the organism and monitor the evolution of the disease. Patient monitoring is based on the new diagnostic criteria, of nursing competence, with the use of programs and tools such as SIRS, qSOFA, NEWS, MEWS, which have been perfected over time and due to their simplicity are used, even outside the UTI. Laboratory tests, after the collection of appropriate cultures by the nurse, are essential before starting antimicrobial therapy in patients with suspected sepsis and septic shock, where there is also the problem of reducing the Turn Around Time (TAT) , because it is necessary to distinguish it early from other conditions by evaluating and monitoring the function of the organs. Source control, a nursing responsibility, is important to identify the origin of a possible infection. In emergency departments, to measure vital parameters, the nurse uses the ABCDE approach and the detection of the patient's physiological parameters (HR, BP, TC, HR and Pain). Other nursing skills include shared decision making (SDM) and follow-up management to address symptoms and distress in patients and their families. - Conclusion: - Research has made substantial progress in recent decades and has led to important therapeutic advances and improvements in outcomes, but there are still many gaps to be filled. Further training courses and dissemination of knowledge are necessary, in fact the rapid recognition and timely treatment of septic patients, thanks to teams made up of doctors and nurses, constitutes a fundamental element capable of improving the prognosis. This thesis work has highlighted the importance of knowledge and dissemination of the SSC Guidelines for the prevention and management of sepsis and septic shock.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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