Farmed tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most widespread vegetable species in the world. Its fruits are consumed both fresh and transformed, one need only think of how many tons of tomato puree are produced in our country. The production of high organoleptic and nutritional quality fruits represents one of the main tomato genetic improvement’s purpose. The total soluble solids (TSS) content or degree Brix represents one of the most important quality parameters of tomato fruit. TSS are a class of fruits compounds that consist in organic acids, lipids, minerals, pigments, volatile substances and reducing sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, although the latter present in small quantities. Sugars are the main components of soluble solids, while other substances are present in smaller quantities. The ISS includes also proteins, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins and polysaccharides in SS as they have been found in the pulp. The amount of TSS in farmed tomato ranging from 4.5 to 8.5% of its fresh weight, and this percentage can vary between different genotypes. However, this value is significantly higher in wild tomato species, including Solanum pennellii, in which concentrations of SS ranging from 9 to 15% of the fresh weight. A higher Brix degree means an increase in the product’s potential sweetness and compactness, but also of sought-after qualities, such as the pH of the pulp around 4.5-5, a higher content of aromatic substances and vitamins and a longer shelf-life of the product. Berries with high levels of citric and malic acid show a very low pH as also lower content of soluble solids, resulting excessively acidic and therefore unpleasant to the consumer, although this high acidity is desiderable in tomatoes intended for processing. The National project "Sustainable biotechnologies for Italian agriculture" (BIOTECH), sub-project "Cisgenesis and genome editing in tomato" (CISGET) is aimed at accelerating the genetic improvement programs in tomatoes on the issues of environmental sustainability of cultivation, resistance to biotic and abiotic stress and the improvement of the organoleptic, nutritional and technological quality of the fruits. As part of this project, the Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of the Agricultural Economy (CREA) is involved with its Research Centers in activities relating to all the themes of the project. The research activity of the CREA Research Center for Horticulture and Horticulture (CREA-OF), located in Monsampolo del Tronto (AP), has the purpose of mutants producing and analysing for the content in soluble solids (Brix degree). A single nucleotide mutation (SNP) found in LIN5 gene of Solanum pennellii, a gene that encodes an apoplastic invertase that catalyzes the sucrose hydrolysis reaction into glucose and fructose, has been seen to be able to confer a greater enzyme affinity for sucrose and consequently to cause the Brix degree in fruits to increase. The use of the New Breeding Techniques (NBT) such as Genome Editing and Cisgenesis, currently defined as Assisted Evolution Techniques (TEA), were involved in the research activity in order to introduce the LIN5 gene single nucleotide SNP mutation of the wild tomato Solanum pennellii in different genotypes of Solanum lycopersicum intended for both fresh consumption and industry production.
Il pomodoro coltivato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) è una delle specie ortive più diffuse a livello mondiale. I suoi frutti vengono consumati sia allo stato fresco sia trasformato, si pensi solo a quante tonnellate di passata di pomodoro vengono prodotte solo nel nostro paese. La produzione di frutti di elevata qualità organolettica e nutrizionale rappresenta uno dei principali obiettivi del miglioramento genetico del pomodoro. Uno dei più importanti parametri della qualità del frutto di pomodoro è il contenuto di solidi solubili totali (TSS) o grado Brix. I TSS sono una classe di composti presente nei frutti in percentuali differenti ed è rappresentata da acidi organici, lipidi, minerali, pigmenti, sostanze volatili e zuccheri riducenti quali glucosio, fruttosio e saccarosio, sebbene quest’ultimo presente in piccole quantità. Gli zuccheri rappresentano i componenti principali dei solidi solubili, mentre le altre sostanze sono presenti in quantità minori. L'ISS include negli SS anche proteine, cellulosa, emicellulosa, pectine e polisaccaridi, che si trovano nella polpa. La quantità di TSS nel pomodoro coltivato è compresa tra il 4,5 e l'8,5% del suo peso fresco, percentuale che può variare da un genotipo all’altro. Tuttavia, questo valore risulta nettamente più alto nelle specie selvatiche di pomodoro, tra cui Solanum pennellii, nelle quali si misurano concentrazioni di SS che vanno dal 9 al 15% del peso fresco. Un grado Brix elevato è indice di una maggiore dolcezza e consistenza del frutto come anche di un aumentato contenuto in sostanze aromatiche, vitamine e della shelf-life del prodotto. Bacche con alti livelli di acido citrico ed acido malico e, quindi, con pH molto basso, risultano eccessivamente acidi oltre che possedere bassi livelli di solidi solubili e pertanto sono poco graditi al consumatore, sebbene l’elevata acidità sia ricercata nei pomodori destinati alla trasformazione. Il progetto ministeriale “Biotecnologie sostenibili per l’agricoltura Italiana” (BIOTECH), sottoprogetto “Cisgenesi e genome editing in pomodoro” (CISGET) è finalizzato ad accelerare i programmi di miglioramento genetico in pomodoro sui temi della resistenza agli stress biotici ed abiotici e del miglioramento della qualità organolettica, nutrizionale e tecnologica dei frutti come anche della sostenibilità ambientale della coltivazione. Nell’ambito di questo progetto, il Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA) è coinvolto con i suoi Centri di ricerca in attività relative a tutte le tematiche del progetto. L’attività di ricerca del CREA, Centro di ricerca Orticoltura e Florovivaismo (CREA-OF), sede di Monsampolo del Tronto (AP) è finalizzata alla produzione ed analisi di mutanti per il contenuto in solidi solubili (grado Brix). In Solanum pennellii è stata individuata nel gene LIN5 codificante l'invertasi apoplastica che catalizza la reazione di idrolisi del saccarosio in glucosio e fruttosio, la mutazione a singolo nucleotide (SNP) che conferisce una maggiore affinità dell’enzima per il saccarosio e di conseguenza un maggiore grado Brix nei frutti. L’attività di ricerca ha previsto l’impiego delle “Tecnologie per l’Evoluzione Assistita” (TEA), termine con cui la Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria ha recentemente definito le “New Breeding Techniques” (NBT), quali il Genome Editing e la Cisgenesi, per introdurre la mutazione a singolo nucleotide SNP presente nel gene Lin5 del pomodoro selvatico Solanum pennellii in diversi genotipi di Solanum lycopersicum destinati al consumo fresco e all’industria.
Cisgenesi e Gene Editing in pomodoro: studi preliminari per l’aumento del contenuto in solidi solubili
Farmed tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most widespread vegetable species in the world. Its fruits are consumed both fresh and transformed, one need only think of how many tons of tomato puree are produced in our country. The production of high organoleptic and nutritional quality fruits represents one of the main tomato genetic improvement’s purpose. The total soluble solids (TSS) content or degree Brix represents one of the most important quality parameters of tomato fruit. TSS are a class of fruits compounds that consist in organic acids, lipids, minerals, pigments, volatile substances and reducing sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, although the latter present in small quantities. Sugars are the main components of soluble solids, while other substances are present in smaller quantities. The ISS includes also proteins, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins and polysaccharides in SS as they have been found in the pulp. The amount of TSS in farmed tomato ranging from 4.5 to 8.5% of its fresh weight, and this percentage can vary between different genotypes. However, this value is significantly higher in wild tomato species, including Solanum pennellii, in which concentrations of SS ranging from 9 to 15% of the fresh weight. A higher Brix degree means an increase in the product’s potential sweetness and compactness, but also of sought-after qualities, such as the pH of the pulp around 4.5-5, a higher content of aromatic substances and vitamins and a longer shelf-life of the product. Berries with high levels of citric and malic acid show a very low pH as also lower content of soluble solids, resulting excessively acidic and therefore unpleasant to the consumer, although this high acidity is desiderable in tomatoes intended for processing. The National project "Sustainable biotechnologies for Italian agriculture" (BIOTECH), sub-project "Cisgenesis and genome editing in tomato" (CISGET) is aimed at accelerating the genetic improvement programs in tomatoes on the issues of environmental sustainability of cultivation, resistance to biotic and abiotic stress and the improvement of the organoleptic, nutritional and technological quality of the fruits. As part of this project, the Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of the Agricultural Economy (CREA) is involved with its Research Centers in activities relating to all the themes of the project. The research activity of the CREA Research Center for Horticulture and Horticulture (CREA-OF), located in Monsampolo del Tronto (AP), has the purpose of mutants producing and analysing for the content in soluble solids (Brix degree). A single nucleotide mutation (SNP) found in LIN5 gene of Solanum pennellii, a gene that encodes an apoplastic invertase that catalyzes the sucrose hydrolysis reaction into glucose and fructose, has been seen to be able to confer a greater enzyme affinity for sucrose and consequently to cause the Brix degree in fruits to increase. The use of the New Breeding Techniques (NBT) such as Genome Editing and Cisgenesis, currently defined as Assisted Evolution Techniques (TEA), were involved in the research activity in order to introduce the LIN5 gene single nucleotide SNP mutation of the wild tomato Solanum pennellii in different genotypes of Solanum lycopersicum intended for both fresh consumption and industry production.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Open Access dal 21/07/2023
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