Palliative care is a multidisciplinary intervention towards the patient, considered in its entirety physical, psychological and social, in order to improve its quality of life. It has been taken from the consideration that, especially in the last months of the life of a cancer patient, unplanned access to the emergency room and cancer services is frequent and the most frequent reason is the appearance of symptoms related to the progression of Disease. In addition, more than half of cancer patients die in a acute hospital, despite the patient's known preference to die in their own home. The aim of the study was to find in a sample of patients who died in hospital what factors could change the prognosis, in order to identify the most correct way of managing the patient with late-stage cancer, in make the right use of the available resources. In the study, patients who died in the Oncology Clinic department of the Polytechnic University of Marche - Hospitals Of Ancona were evaluated retrospectively, between January 2017 and April 2019. From the statistical analysis of the data, the variables that were found to negatively impact prognosis are: emergency access to the department, PS ECOG compromised, hypoalbuminemia, plateletsopenia, kidney function deficiency, oligo/anuria and presence of pleural pouring. The factors that have been determined for an increase in survival are: radiotherapy, antibiotic therapy, transfusions, uncontrolled pain at the entrance to the ward and sending the request for transfer to the hospice. There has also been an increase in the number of withdrawals, counselling and interventional procedures as the days of admission increase. The following parameters were not related to prognosis: age and gender; stage of the disease and number of metastases; anorexia, weight loss, breathlessness, subocclusion, fever, hypotension, GI hemorrhage, ascites, neurological deficits; Hyperbilirubinemia, hemoglobin values, neutrophil ratios/lymphocytes; chemotherapy and sedation. Factors that were found to indicate a worse prognosis can be used to estimate short-term mortality risk, hence the choice to start patients on suitable care pathways. The data presented show that, patients who needed only supportive therapy, which can also be delivered at home or in hospice, have instead been admitted to the ward of the Oncology Clinic. The lack of an appropriate care network for advanced cancer patients has led to an overlap of areas of expertise and the department of Oncology Clinic, which should deal mainly with aspects of diagnosis and active therapies, performs the task of providing palliative care. Moreover, the hospitalization in a specialist ward of a cancer patient no longer susceptible to other therapy than palliative care often results in the use of intensive therapeutic and diagnostic means unsuitable for his situation. In conclusion, an accurate prognostic assessment and effective communication to the patient and family members is able to improve the quality of life of the sick, increase their awareness of the clinical situation and support them in decisions therapeutic choices in the advanced stages of illness and at the end of life. It should also be noted that greater appropriateness of care would ensure significant savings for the National Health System through a reduction in improper access to emergency rooms and, consequently, admissions to acute wards.
Le cure palliative sono un intervento multidisciplinare verso il paziente, considerato nella sua interezza fisica, psicologica e sociale, al fine di migliorarne la qualità di vita. Si è partiti dalla considerazione che, soprattutto negli ultimi mesi di vita di un malato oncologico, è frequente laccesso non programmato al pronto soccorso e ai servizi oncologici e il motivo più frequente è la comparsa di sintomi correlati alla progressione della malattia. Inoltre più della metà dei pazienti oncologici muore in un ospedale per acuti, nonostante la nota preferenza del malato di morire nella propria casa. Lobiettivo dello studio è stato quello di ricercare in un campione di pazienti deceduti a ricovero quali siano stati i fattori in grado di modificare la prognosi, al fine di individuare la più corretta modalità di gestione del paziente con neoplasia in fase avanzata, in unottica di adeguato utilizzo delle risorse disponibili. Nello studio sono stati valutati retrospettivamente i pazienti deceduti nel reparto di Clinica Oncologica dellUniversità Politecnica delle Marche - Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona, nel periodo compreso tra gennaio 2017 e aprile 2019. Dallanalisi statistica dei dati, le variabili che sono risultate impattare negativamente sulla prognosi sono: accesso in urgenza al reparto, PS ECOG compromesso, ipoalbuminemia, piastrinopenia, deficit della funzionalità renale, oligo/anuria e presenza di versamento pleurico. I fattori che invece sono risultati determinanti per un aumento della sopravvivenza sono: radioterapia, antibioticoterapia, trasfusioni, dolore non controllato allaccesso in reparto ed invio della richiesta di trasferimento allhospice. Si è osservato inoltre un aumento del numero di prelievi, di consulenze e di procedure interventistiche allaumentare dei giorni di ricovero. Non sono risultati correlati alla prognosi i seguenti parametri: età e sesso; stadio della malattia e numero di metastasi; anoressia, calo ponderale, dispnea, subocclusione, febbre, ipotensione, emorragia GI, ascite, deficit neurologici; Iperbilirubinemia, valori di emoglobina, rapporto neutrofili/linfociti; chemioterapia e sedazione. I fattori che sono risultati indicare una prognosi peggiore possono essere usati per la stima del rischio di mortalità a breve termine, da cui poi derivare la scelta di avviare pazienti verso percorsi assistenziali idonei. Dai dati esposti emerge come, pazienti che necessitavano di sola terapia di supporto, erogabile anche a domicilio o in hospice, siano stati invece ricoverati nel reparto della Clinica Oncologica. La mancanza di una appropriata rete assistenziale per malati oncologici in fase avanzata ha portato ad una sovrapposizione di ambiti di competenza e il reparto di Clinica Oncologica, che dovrebbe occuparsi principalmente di aspetti di diagnosi e terapie attive, svolge anche il compito di erogare cure palliative. Inoltre il ricovero in un reparto specialistico di un paziente oncologico non più suscettibile di altra terapia se non quella palliativa spesso determina comunque lutilizzo di mezzi terapeutici e diagnostici intensivi non idonei alla sua situazione. In conclusione una valutazione prognostica accurata ed una sua efficace comunicazione al paziente e ai familiari è in grado di migliorare la qualità di vita dei malati, di aumentare la loro consapevolezza rispetto alla situazione clinica e di supportarli nelle decisioni relative alle scelte terapeutiche nelle fasi avanzate di malattia e alla fine della vita. Da segnalare inoltre come una maggiore appropriatezza delle cure garantirebbe risparmi significativi per il Sistema Sanitario Nazionale attraverso una riduzione degli accessi impropri in pronto Soccorso e, di conseguenza, dei ricoveri nei reparti per acuti.
Cure palliative in oncologia : risultati di uno studio sulla gestione clinica del paziente oncologico in stadio avanzato.
Palliative care is a multidisciplinary intervention towards the patient, considered in its entirety physical, psychological and social, in order to improve its quality of life. It has been taken from the consideration that, especially in the last months of the life of a cancer patient, unplanned access to the emergency room and cancer services is frequent and the most frequent reason is the appearance of symptoms related to the progression of Disease. In addition, more than half of cancer patients die in a acute hospital, despite the patient's known preference to die in their own home. The aim of the study was to find in a sample of patients who died in hospital what factors could change the prognosis, in order to identify the most correct way of managing the patient with late-stage cancer, in make the right use of the available resources. In the study, patients who died in the Oncology Clinic department of the Polytechnic University of Marche - Hospitals Of Ancona were evaluated retrospectively, between January 2017 and April 2019. From the statistical analysis of the data, the variables that were found to negatively impact prognosis are: emergency access to the department, PS ECOG compromised, hypoalbuminemia, plateletsopenia, kidney function deficiency, oligo/anuria and presence of pleural pouring. The factors that have been determined for an increase in survival are: radiotherapy, antibiotic therapy, transfusions, uncontrolled pain at the entrance to the ward and sending the request for transfer to the hospice. There has also been an increase in the number of withdrawals, counselling and interventional procedures as the days of admission increase. The following parameters were not related to prognosis: age and gender; stage of the disease and number of metastases; anorexia, weight loss, breathlessness, subocclusion, fever, hypotension, GI hemorrhage, ascites, neurological deficits; Hyperbilirubinemia, hemoglobin values, neutrophil ratios/lymphocytes; chemotherapy and sedation. Factors that were found to indicate a worse prognosis can be used to estimate short-term mortality risk, hence the choice to start patients on suitable care pathways. The data presented show that, patients who needed only supportive therapy, which can also be delivered at home or in hospice, have instead been admitted to the ward of the Oncology Clinic. The lack of an appropriate care network for advanced cancer patients has led to an overlap of areas of expertise and the department of Oncology Clinic, which should deal mainly with aspects of diagnosis and active therapies, performs the task of providing palliative care. Moreover, the hospitalization in a specialist ward of a cancer patient no longer susceptible to other therapy than palliative care often results in the use of intensive therapeutic and diagnostic means unsuitable for his situation. In conclusion, an accurate prognostic assessment and effective communication to the patient and family members is able to improve the quality of life of the sick, increase their awareness of the clinical situation and support them in decisions therapeutic choices in the advanced stages of illness and at the end of life. It should also be noted that greater appropriateness of care would ensure significant savings for the National Health System through a reduction in improper access to emergency rooms and, consequently, admissions to acute wards.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Tesi di Laurea (Chiara Luminati).pdf
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