The objective to be pursued through this degree thesis lies in the analysis of the relationship between the immigration rate and the crime rate. For this purpose, some econometric models will be adopted, useful in order to give a certain reliability and authority to our results. Going into more detail, in chapter 1 we will focus on what are the characteristics of the migratory phenomenon, highlighting some aspects that will later prove useful for our analysis. We will begin with a historical excursus, with particular reference to the passage of Italy from a land of emigration to a country of immigration. In the second paragraph, attention shifts to the current extent of the phenomenon and the implications it has on the economic and social life of the country. Furthermore, we will highlight how the migratory phenomenon is perceived by the indigenous population and the reasons behind some ideologies and clichés that have consolidated over time. The third paragraph is instead dedicated to the existing literature on the phenomenon, that is to the studies conducted by various researchers on the link between immigration and crime. The second chapter will present the data we drew on to conduct our analysis: the same were made available (at the provincial level) by Istat and refer to the time period between 2012 and 2020. The third chapter is the highlight of the survey, as the econometric models created will be shown within it. After explaining the reasons for the low reliability of the pooled OLS estimates, we will introduce the two specific panel models, namely fixed-effects and random-effects, highlighting the advantages and weaknesses of both. Furthermore, we will carry out the Hausman test, in order to establish which of the two models best fits the type of our data. Finally, we will conclude the chapter with a panel IV, that is a model with instrumental variables, in which the endogenous variable to be used is precisely the immigration rate, while the tools used are the delays in the unemployment rate and the added value per inhabitant. At the end of the analysis, we will come to the conclusion that, although there is a positive correlation between immigration and crime, the empirical evidence does not suggest that there is also a causal relationship between the two phenomena: the hypothesis according to which an increase in the crime rate would be caused by the increasing amount of migratory flows would therefore be unjustified.
L'obiettivo che si intende perseguire attraverso questa tesi di laurea risiede nell'analisi del rapporto che sussiste tra il tasso di immigrazione e quello di criminalità. A tale scopo, verranno adottati alcuni modelli econometrici, utili per poter dare una certa affidabilità e autorevolezza ai nostri risultati. Entrando più nel dettaglio, nel capitolo 1 ci concentreremo su quelle che sono le caratteristiche del fenomeno migratorio, mettendo in luce alcuni aspetti che si riveleranno poi utili per la nostra analisi. Inizieremo con un excursus storico, con particolare riferimento al passaggio dell'Italia da terra di emigrazione a Paese di immigrazione. Nel secondo paragrafo l'attenzione si sposta sulla portata attuale del fenomeno e sulle implicazioni che, ad oggi, esso ha sulla vita economico-sociale del Paese. Inoltre, evidenzieremo come il fenomeno migratorio viene percepito dalla popolazione autoctona e i motivi alla base di alcune ideologie e luoghi comuni che, nel tempo, si sono consolidati. Il terzo paragrafo è invece dedicato alla letteratura esistente sul fenomeno, ossia agli studi condotti da vari ricercatori in merito al nesso tra immigrazione e criminalità. Nel secondo capitolo saranno presentati i dati cui abbiamo attinto per condurre la nostra analisi: gli stessi sono stati resi disponibili (a livello provinciale) dall'Istat e sono riferiti al periodo di tempo tra il 2012 e il 2020. Il terzo capitolo costituisce il clou dell'indagine, in quanto, all'interno dello stesso, verranno mostrati i modelli econometrici realizzati. Dopo aver spiegato i motivi della scarsa attendibilità delle stime pooled OLS, introdurremo i due modelli panel specifici, vale a dire il fixed-effects e il random-effects, evidenziando i vantaggi e i punti di debolezza di entrambi. Inoltre, effettueremo il test di Hausman, così da stabilire quale dei due modelli meglio si concilia con la tipologia dei nostri dati. Infine, concluderemo il capitolo con un panel IV, cioè un modello a variabili strumentali, in cui la variabile endogena da strumentare è proprio il tasso di immigrazione, mentre gli strumenti impiegati sono i ritardi del tasso di disoccupazione e del valore aggiunto per abitante. Al termine dell'analisi, arriveremo alla conclusione che, sebbene sia presente una correlazione positiva tra immigrazione e criminalità, l'evidenza empirica non suggerisce che vi sia anche un rapporto di causazione tra i due fenomeni: risulterebbe quindi ingiustificata l'ipotesi secondo cui un aumento del tasso di criminalità sarebbe causato dalla crescente entità dei flussi migratori.
Immigrazione e criminalità: un'analisi econometrica su dati panel
The objective to be pursued through this degree thesis lies in the analysis of the relationship between the immigration rate and the crime rate. For this purpose, some econometric models will be adopted, useful in order to give a certain reliability and authority to our results. Going into more detail, in chapter 1 we will focus on what are the characteristics of the migratory phenomenon, highlighting some aspects that will later prove useful for our analysis. We will begin with a historical excursus, with particular reference to the passage of Italy from a land of emigration to a country of immigration. In the second paragraph, attention shifts to the current extent of the phenomenon and the implications it has on the economic and social life of the country. Furthermore, we will highlight how the migratory phenomenon is perceived by the indigenous population and the reasons behind some ideologies and clichés that have consolidated over time. The third paragraph is instead dedicated to the existing literature on the phenomenon, that is to the studies conducted by various researchers on the link between immigration and crime. The second chapter will present the data we drew on to conduct our analysis: the same were made available (at the provincial level) by Istat and refer to the time period between 2012 and 2020. The third chapter is the highlight of the survey, as the econometric models created will be shown within it. After explaining the reasons for the low reliability of the pooled OLS estimates, we will introduce the two specific panel models, namely fixed-effects and random-effects, highlighting the advantages and weaknesses of both. Furthermore, we will carry out the Hausman test, in order to establish which of the two models best fits the type of our data. Finally, we will conclude the chapter with a panel IV, that is a model with instrumental variables, in which the endogenous variable to be used is precisely the immigration rate, while the tools used are the delays in the unemployment rate and the added value per inhabitant. At the end of the analysis, we will come to the conclusion that, although there is a positive correlation between immigration and crime, the empirical evidence does not suggest that there is also a causal relationship between the two phenomena: the hypothesis according to which an increase in the crime rate would be caused by the increasing amount of migratory flows would therefore be unjustified.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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embargo fino al 21/10/2024
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