ABSTRACT TITLE: "First aid at school during COVID-19: training online for life-saving maneuvers for school-age children." INTRODUCTION: Cardiac arrest and airway obstruction are the most important cause of death. In 70% of cases, cardiac arrest occurs in the presence of someone who could start resuscitation; however, in Europe, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is initiated in only 15% of cases. If the percentage could be increased from 15% to 50-60%, about 100,000 people could be saved a year. The increase in the number of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and the overcrowding of hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic have made laymen's knowledge of CPR even more important. It is therefore necessary to strengthen training on resuscitation for all citizens, starting from schools and all public structures in general. It has been seen from several studies that children are more predisposed and motivated to learn CPR maneuvers quickly and that they can achieve adequate chest compression standards. OBJECTIVE: evaluation of a design. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To carry out this project, 3 schools in the province of Ancona were selected, for a total of 7 primary school classes, where no restrictions were imposed on gender, origin, culture, social status, religion or other variables. The total of the sample chosen was 144 children, of which 9 were absent on the day of the administration of the questionnaires. 4 online meetings lasting 30 minutes each were organized in which children were introduced to the topic "RESUSCITATION and FIRST AID" and then concluded with the practical demonstration of life-saving maneuvers. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the project, the children, before and after the course, were subjected to a questionnaire with 7 multiple choice questions, while the teachers were asked to fill in a similar multiple choice questionnaire with questions to evaluate the usefulness of this course and the importance of knowing these maneuvers. Finally, a space was released to be able to understand the approval rating of children and some advice from the faculty to be able, in the future, to interact better with children and increase the effectiveness of the course. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Thanks to the use of questionnaires and the McNemar method it was possible to calculate the significance of the responses, evaluating the improvement rate between the pre-course and post-course responses. Subsequently, the McNemar test results were developed with histogram graphs. From the children's questionnaires it is clear that the course had its effectiveness in terms of knowledge; the teachers' questionnaire demonstrated the importance of disseminating first aid techniques even among the youngest. CONCLUSION: The approval rating was high; all the children were attentive during the courses and satisfied, this was made possible with the use of interactive, playful and games modes. The objective of assessing the children's ability to understand the notions of first aid and perform chest compressions has been largely achieved. For this reason, by making the teaching of life-saving maneuvers compulsory, by health professionals or adequately trained teachers, in all schools in Italy, improvements could be achieved in the field of Italian health training, bringing it closer to European standards.
ABSTRACT TITOLO: “Primo soccorso a scuola durante COVID-19: addestramento per le manovre salvavita ai bambini in età scolare”. INTRODUZIONE: L’arresto cardiocircolatorio e l’ostruzione delle vie aeree sono la principale causa di morte. Nel 70% dei casi l’arresto cardiaco avviene in presenza di qualcuno che potrebbe iniziare la rianimazione; tuttavia in Europa la rianimazione cardiopolmonare (RCP) viene cominciata soltanto nel 15% dei casi. Se si riuscisse ad aumentare la percentuale dal 15% al 50-60%, si potrebbero salvare circa 100.000 persone all’anno. L’incremento dei numeri di arresti cardiaci extra-ospedalieri e l’affollamento degli ospedali, durante la pandemia da COVID-19, hanno reso ancora più importante la conoscenza della RCP da parte dei laici. È necessario, quindi, potenziare la formazione sulla rianimazione per tutti i cittadini, a partire dalle scuole e da tutte le strutture pubbliche in generale. È stato visto, da diversi studi, che i bambini sono maggiormente predisposti e motivati ad apprendere velocemente le manovre di RCP e che possono raggiungere standard di compressione toracica adeguate. OBIETTIVO: valutazione di una progettazione. MATERIALI E METODI: Per lo svolgimento di questo progetto sono state selezionate 3 scuole della provincia di Ancona, per un totale di 7 classi della scuola primaria, dove non sono state imposte limitazioni in merito al genere, provenienza, cultura, status sociale, religione o altre variabili. Il totale del campione scelto era di 144 bambini, di cui 9 erano assenti nel giorno della somministrazione dei questionari. Sono stati organizzati 4 incontri online dalla durata di 30 minuti ciascuno in cui i bambini sono stati introdotti all’argomento “RIANIMAZIONE e PRIMO SOCCORSO” per poi concludere con la dimostrazione pratica delle manovre salvavita. Per poter valutare l’efficacia del progetto, i bambini, prima e dopo il corso sono stati sottoposti a un questionario con 7 domande a risposta multipla, mentre alle insegnanti è stato chiesto di compilare un simile questionario a risposta multipla con delle domande per valutare l’utilità di questo corso e l’importanza della conoscenza di queste manovre. Infine, è stato rilasciato uno spazio per poter capire l’indice di gradimento dei bambini e alcuni consigli da parte del corpo docenti per poter, in futuro, interagire meglio con i bambini e aumentare l’efficacia del corso. RISULTATI E DISCUSSIONE: Grazie all’utilizzo dei questionari e al metodo McNemar è stato possibile calcolare la significatività delle risposte, valutando l’indice di miglioramento tra le risposte del pre-corso e post-corso. In seguito, i risultati del test McNemar sono stati sviluppati con dei grafici a istogramma. Dai questionari dei bambini si evince che il corso ha avuto la sua efficacia in merito alle conoscenze; dal questionario delle insegnanti è stata dimostrata l’importanza della divulgazione delle tecniche di primo soccorso anche tra i più piccoli. CONCLUSIONE: L’indice di gradimento è stato elevato; tutti i bambini si sono dimostrati attenti duranti i corsi e soddisfatti, ciò è stato reso possibile con l’utilizzo di modalità interattive, ludiche e giochi. L’obiettivo di valutazione della capacità dei bambini di comprendere le nozioni sul primo soccorso ed eseguire le compressioni toraciche è stato ampiamente raggiunto. Per questo, rendendo obbligatorio l’insegnamento delle manovre salvavita, da parte di sanitari o insegnanti adeguatamente formati, in tutte le scuole d’Italia, si potrebbero raggiungere dei miglioramenti nell’ambito della formazione sanitaria italiana, avvicinandola agli standard Europei.
Primo soccorso a scuola durante COVID-19: addestramento in DAD per le manovre salvavita ai bambini in età scolare.
ABSTRACT TITLE: "First aid at school during COVID-19: training online for life-saving maneuvers for school-age children." INTRODUCTION: Cardiac arrest and airway obstruction are the most important cause of death. In 70% of cases, cardiac arrest occurs in the presence of someone who could start resuscitation; however, in Europe, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is initiated in only 15% of cases. If the percentage could be increased from 15% to 50-60%, about 100,000 people could be saved a year. The increase in the number of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and the overcrowding of hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic have made laymen's knowledge of CPR even more important. It is therefore necessary to strengthen training on resuscitation for all citizens, starting from schools and all public structures in general. It has been seen from several studies that children are more predisposed and motivated to learn CPR maneuvers quickly and that they can achieve adequate chest compression standards. OBJECTIVE: evaluation of a design. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To carry out this project, 3 schools in the province of Ancona were selected, for a total of 7 primary school classes, where no restrictions were imposed on gender, origin, culture, social status, religion or other variables. The total of the sample chosen was 144 children, of which 9 were absent on the day of the administration of the questionnaires. 4 online meetings lasting 30 minutes each were organized in which children were introduced to the topic "RESUSCITATION and FIRST AID" and then concluded with the practical demonstration of life-saving maneuvers. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the project, the children, before and after the course, were subjected to a questionnaire with 7 multiple choice questions, while the teachers were asked to fill in a similar multiple choice questionnaire with questions to evaluate the usefulness of this course and the importance of knowing these maneuvers. Finally, a space was released to be able to understand the approval rating of children and some advice from the faculty to be able, in the future, to interact better with children and increase the effectiveness of the course. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Thanks to the use of questionnaires and the McNemar method it was possible to calculate the significance of the responses, evaluating the improvement rate between the pre-course and post-course responses. Subsequently, the McNemar test results were developed with histogram graphs. From the children's questionnaires it is clear that the course had its effectiveness in terms of knowledge; the teachers' questionnaire demonstrated the importance of disseminating first aid techniques even among the youngest. CONCLUSION: The approval rating was high; all the children were attentive during the courses and satisfied, this was made possible with the use of interactive, playful and games modes. The objective of assessing the children's ability to understand the notions of first aid and perform chest compressions has been largely achieved. For this reason, by making the teaching of life-saving maneuvers compulsory, by health professionals or adequately trained teachers, in all schools in Italy, improvements could be achieved in the field of Italian health training, bringing it closer to European standards.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 30/11/2024
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