The "Villino Valadier" is a historic villa, commonly known as "Palombara", located within the homonymous park, near the historic centre of the village of Monte Vidon Combatte in the province of Fermo. The building, together with the park that surrounds it and the facing Palazzo Pelagallo, is owned by the marquises Pelagallo, a noble family of the area. Even though the small building is reported in the Catalogue of the Marche Region as "Villino Valadier, XVIII century suburban villa by architect Giuseppe Valadier", no source is mentioned; thus, there is no certain and proven information about the building, its year of construction or its designer. The building consists of two floors, a basement and a raised ground floor, with a rectangular plan and a hip roof. Made entirely of exposed brick, the main façade is characterized by a tetrastyle pronaos and two external fan-shaped staircases which, from the ground floor, descend towards the basement and connect the villa to the surrounding park. Probably originated as a farmhouse to support the land, and later developed into a hunting lodge, in disuse for many years because of structural damages due to static and dynamic events, it is now on loan for use to the Municipality of Monte Vidon Combatte which uses the park as private green for public use. The thesis as at its core the objective of developing an enhancement strategy for this historic buiding, understanding the concept of "enhancement" as a triad of "knowledge + conservation + use". An attempt has been made to apply this concept by stressing the crucial role of knowledge in all its aspects (historical-architectural, material-constructive, the state of conservation with its degradation and instability, the quality of the structures), so as to propose an intervention that aims to maximize the permanence of the past (conservation) promoting its (re)use. With regard to "knowledge", the results of the study on the origins and transformations of the villa over time intended to contribute to the possible attribution of the property to Valadier through a comparative analysis with other works of ascertained attribution. Furthermore, with regard to "conservation and use", a framework for interventions of conservation and structural consolidation was defined in as distinguishable and appropriately measured a way as possible in relation to the analysis of the actual conservation conditions of the asset to guarantee its usability in safety and conservation over time. The proposed reuse and enhancement aimed to render the site as a whole an attractive pole with a tourist and cultural vocation. The proposed idea is that of a multifunctional centre for temporary exhibitions, cultural events and tasting events of local products supported by the park which, integrated with the building as a green offshoot, is ever available to become, on such occasions, an exhibition space outdoors.
Il “Villino Valadier”, è un villino storico, comunemente noto come “Palombara”, situato all’interno dell’omonimo parco in prossimità del centro storico del paese di Monte Vidon Combatte in provincia di Fermo. L’edificio unitamente al parco che lo circonda ed al prospiciente palazzo Pelagallo, è di proprietà dei marchesi Pelagallo, famiglia nobiliare del territorio. Dell’edificio non si hanno notizie certe e comprovate, né sull’anno della sua costruzione, né sul progettista dell’opera seppure la piccola costruzione viene riportata nel Catalogo della Regione Marche come “Villino Valadier, villa suburbana, progetto dell’architetto Giuseppe Valadier del XVIII secolo”, senza citarne le fonti. L’edificio è costituito da due piani di cui uno seminterrato ed un piano terra rialzato, con pianta rettangolare e copertura con tetto a falde e testa di padiglione. Realizzato interamente con mattoni faccia vista, è caratterizzato sulla facciata principale, da un pronao tetrastilo e da due scalinate esterne a ventaglio che, dal piano terra, scendono verso il piano seminterrato e connettono il villino al parco che lo inviluppa. Nato probabilmente come edificio colonico a supporto del fondo, elevato a casina di caccia, in disuso ormai da molti anni a causa dei danni presenti sulla struttura per eventi statici e dinamici, è oggi in comodato d’uso al Comune di Monte Vidon Combatte che utilizza il parco come verde privato ad uso pubblico. Il lavoro di tesi svolto ha come obiettivo quello di sviluppare una strategia di valorizzazione per questa dimora storica, riprendendo il concetto di "valorizzazione" come terna di "conoscenza + conservazione + fruizione". Si è cercato di applicare questo concetto stressando il ruolo cruciale della conoscenza in tutti i suoi aspetti, ovvero dal lato storico-architettonico, materico-costruttivo, alle analisi di qualità muraria e allo stato di conservazione della fabbrica analizzando i suoi degradi e dissesti provando ad interpretarne le cause, per arrivare infine ad una proposta di intervento che ha come obiettivo quello di massimizzare la permanenza di ciò che arriva dal passato (conservazione) consentendone il riuso. Sul fronte della “conoscenza” i risultati dello studio delle origini e delle trasformazioni del villino nel tempo hanno inoltre voluto fornire un contributo alla possibile attribuzione del bene al Valadier anche attraverso un’analisi comparativa con altre opere di certa attribuzione. Su quello della “conservazione e fruizione” si è proceduto a definire il quadro degli interventi di conservazione e consolidamento strutturale, quanto più possibile distinguibili e opportunamente misurati in relazione all’analisi delle effettive condizioni conservative del bene a garantirne la fruibilità in sicurezza e la conservazione nel tempo, nell’ottica della proposta di riuso e valorizzazione del sito nel suo insieme a divenire polo attrattivo a vocazione turistico e culturale. L’idea della proposta di riuso è quella di un centro polifunzionale per mostre temporanee, eventi culturali, esposizioni e degustazioni di prodotti tipici locali coadiuvato dal parco che si integra con l’edificio quale propaggine verde sempre disponibile a trasformarsi, in tali occasioni, in uno spazio espositivo all’aperto.
The "Villino Valadier" is a historic villa, commonly known as "Palombara", located within the homonymous park, near the historic centre of the village of Monte Vidon Combatte in the province of Fermo. The building, together with the park that surrounds it and the facing Palazzo Pelagallo, is owned by the marquises Pelagallo, a noble family of the area. Even though the small building is reported in the Catalogue of the Marche Region as "Villino Valadier, XVIII century suburban villa by architect Giuseppe Valadier", no source is mentioned; thus, there is no certain and proven information about the building, its year of construction or its designer. The building consists of two floors, a basement and a raised ground floor, with a rectangular plan and a hip roof. Made entirely of exposed brick, the main façade is characterized by a tetrastyle pronaos and two external fan-shaped staircases which, from the ground floor, descend towards the basement and connect the villa to the surrounding park. Probably originated as a farmhouse to support the land, and later developed into a hunting lodge, in disuse for many years because of structural damages due to static and dynamic events, it is now on loan for use to the Municipality of Monte Vidon Combatte which uses the park as private green for public use. The thesis as at its core the objective of developing an enhancement strategy for this historic buiding, understanding the concept of "enhancement" as a triad of "knowledge + conservation + use". An attempt has been made to apply this concept by stressing the crucial role of knowledge in all its aspects (historical-architectural, material-constructive, the state of conservation with its degradation and instability, the quality of the structures), so as to propose an intervention that aims to maximize the permanence of the past (conservation) promoting its (re)use. With regard to "knowledge", the results of the study on the origins and transformations of the villa over time intended to contribute to the possible attribution of the property to Valadier through a comparative analysis with other works of ascertained attribution. Furthermore, with regard to "conservation and use", a framework for interventions of conservation and structural consolidation was defined in as distinguishable and appropriately measured a way as possible in relation to the analysis of the actual conservation conditions of the asset to guarantee its usability in safety and conservation over time. The proposed reuse and enhancement aimed to render the site as a whole an attractive pole with a tourist and cultural vocation. The proposed idea is that of a multifunctional centre for temporary exhibitions, cultural events and tasting events of local products supported by the park which, integrated with the building as a green offshoot, is ever available to become, on such occasions, an exhibition space outdoors.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 13/01/2025
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