The aim of this work is to analyse the pelagic environment of the Western Adriatic Sea, in terms of zooplanktonic community structure and trophodynamics and to assess its trophic relationship with small pelagic fish, i.e. anchovies Engraulis encrasicolus and sardines Sardina pilchardus, using the stable isotope analyses of nitrogen and carbon (hereafter SIA). Samples here analysed were collected during the acoustic survey MEDIAS 2019 GSA 17 and GSA 18, on the R/V “G. Dallaporta”, in June-July 2019, covering the Italian coasts of the Adriatic Sea from North to South. Zooplankton samples were collected by a 200 μm mesh-size WP2 net. Additionally, data on the oceanographic variables were collected through CTD casts deployed near each plankton haul. Anchovies and sardines were collected by a mid-trawl net. As far as zooplankton samples, animals were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible, counted and weighted for abundance and biomass estimates. The most abundant taxa were also oven-dried at 60° C for 24 h for subsequent SIA. For fish a portion of white muscle close to the dorsal fin from selected specimens was-oven dried and prepared for subsequent SIA. SIA were conducted at the University of Palermo, that analysed the elemental composition (%N and %C) and δ13C and δ15N values of zooplankton and fishes. Our results revealed that both abundance and biomass of the zooplankton significantly decreased from the Northern to the Southern Adriatic Sea. Zooplanktonic communities in the different sub-areas of the Adriatic Sea showed significant differences in composition and abundance between southern and northern areas, but not between inshore and offshore samples. These differences were related to oceanographic variables, revealing a correlation with chlorophyll a, salinity and dissolved oxygen. SIA on the zooplankton allowed to cluster taxa in trophic groups with similar isotopic signature. These groups were then compared with data from literature, showing a variation for some taxa, maybe because of their trophic plasticity, according to resource availability. SIA also revealed the presence of significant differences in δ13C values between inshore and offshore samples in the central GSA 17, and in δ15N values between inshore and offshore samples in the northern and central GSA 17. These differences might be caused by a different contribution of terrestrial vs. marine sources of N and C, and/or to different trophic dynamics between costal and oceanic food webs. SIA also showed a polynomial trend for δ15N in anchovies, in fact δ15N increased with length up to about 9 cm, and then decreased. This may be caused by a shift to herbivory in larger fishes. δ13C values instead decreased with fish length, maybe because larger fish tend to forage in off-shore areas. For sardines SIA results showed a similar pattern for δ15N values, but δ13C did not vary significantly with size. Finally, the combined isotopic signature of these two species showed how they share a similar trophic position, due to similar δ15N values, but they use different trophic resources, as δ13C values poorly overlapped, pointed to a resource partitioning between the two species. Moreover, these two species play a fundamental role in pelagic trophic webs, being positioned at intermediate trophic level between zooplankton and large predators.
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è lo studio dell’ambiente pelagico dell’Adriatico Occidentale, attraverso l’analisi della comunità zooplanctonica e delle sue relazioni trofiche con due specie di pesci pelagici (piccoli pelagici), l’acciuga Engraulis encrasicolus e la sardina Sardina pilchardus, mediante l’analisi degli isotopi stabili (di seguito indicate come AIS) di azoto e carbonio. I campioni utilizzati sono stati raccolti durante la campagna oceanografica MEDIAS 2019 GSA 17 e GSA 18, a bordo della R/V “G. Dallaporta”, nel periodo di giugno-luglio 2019, coprendo la costa italiana dell’Adriatico da nord a sud. I campioni di zooplancton sono stati raccolti attraverso un retino WP2, con maglia da 200 μm. In corrispondenza di ogni retinata sono stati raccolti dati sulle variabili oceanografiche, mediante sonda CTD. I campioni di acciuga e sardina sono stati invece catturati con una rete volante scientifica monobarca. Per i campioni di zooplancton, gli animali sono stati identificati al livello tassonomico più basso possibile, contati e pesati per le stime di abbondanza e biomassa. I taxa più abbondanti sono inoltre stati seccati in stufa a 60° C per essere utilizzati per le AIS. Nei campioni di pesce, il muscolo bianco di alcuni individui è stato seccato e preparato per le AIS. I campioni così processati sono stati inviati all’Università di Palermo, per l’analisi della composizione elementare (%N e %C) e i valori di δ13C e δ15N dello zooplancton e dei pesci in esame. Dai risultati è emerso che la biomassa e l’abbondanza dello zooplancton diminuiscono significativamente spostandosi da Nord, verso Sud. Inoltre, le comunità zooplanctoniche delle diverse sub-aree dell’Adriatico mostrano differenze significative in composizione e abbondanza delle diverse specie tra le aree settentrionali e quelle meridionali, ma non tra campioni costieri e del largo. Tali variazioni sono state messe in relazione con le variabili oceanografiche, mostrando una correlazione con i valori di clorofilla a, salinità e ossigeno disciolto. Le AIS della comunità zooplanctonica hanno permesso di dividere i taxa esaminati raggruppando quelli con valori isotopici più vicini. Questi gruppi sono stati poi confrontati con i gruppi trofici riportati in letteratura, mostrando un certo grado di variazione. Questo fenomeno potrebbe essere dovuto alla plasticità trofica di alcuni organismi dello zooplancton, in base alla disponibilità di risorse. I risultati delle AIS hanno inoltre permesso di evidenziare la presenza di variazioni significative nel δ13C dei campioni costieri e del largo nella parte centrale della GSA 17, e variazioni significative nel δ15N tra i campioni costieri e del largo, nella parte settentrionale e centrale della GSA 17. Tali variazioni potrebbero essere dovute ad un diverso contributo di materia organica di origine terrestre vs. marina, e/o a dinamiche trofiche diverse tra le comunità costiere e quelle del largo. Le AIS delle acciughe hanno invece permesso di evidenziare la presenza di un andamento polinomiale nel valore di δ15N, che aumenta fino a circa 9 cm, e poi diminuisce al diminuire della taglia, probabilmente correlato ad un aumento dell’erbivoria nei pesci più grandi. I valori di δ13C invece tendono ad aumentare con la taglia, indicando un possibile spostamento degli animali di taglia maggiore per l’alimentazione verso il largo. Le AIS delle sardine hanno mostrato un andamento simile a quello delle acciughe per il valore di δ15N, ma non hanno evidenziato differenze significative per il valore di δ13C. Le AIS combinate delle due specie hanno infine permesso di mostrare come queste abbiano una posizione trofica simile, dato che i valori di δ15N sono simili, ma utilizzino risorse trofiche differenti, in quanto i valori di δ13C sono poco sovrapposti. Inoltre queste due specie hanno una posizione fondamentale nelle reti trofiche pelagiche, tra lo zooplancton ed i predatori più grandi.
Struttura trofica delle comunità pelagiche del Mar Adriatico attraverso l’analisi degli isotopi stabili: dallo zooplancton ai piccoli pelagici
The aim of this work is to analyse the pelagic environment of the Western Adriatic Sea, in terms of zooplanktonic community structure and trophodynamics and to assess its trophic relationship with small pelagic fish, i.e. anchovies Engraulis encrasicolus and sardines Sardina pilchardus, using the stable isotope analyses of nitrogen and carbon (hereafter SIA). Samples here analysed were collected during the acoustic survey MEDIAS 2019 GSA 17 and GSA 18, on the R/V “G. Dallaporta”, in June-July 2019, covering the Italian coasts of the Adriatic Sea from North to South. Zooplankton samples were collected by a 200 μm mesh-size WP2 net. Additionally, data on the oceanographic variables were collected through CTD casts deployed near each plankton haul. Anchovies and sardines were collected by a mid-trawl net. As far as zooplankton samples, animals were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible, counted and weighted for abundance and biomass estimates. The most abundant taxa were also oven-dried at 60° C for 24 h for subsequent SIA. For fish a portion of white muscle close to the dorsal fin from selected specimens was-oven dried and prepared for subsequent SIA. SIA were conducted at the University of Palermo, that analysed the elemental composition (%N and %C) and δ13C and δ15N values of zooplankton and fishes. Our results revealed that both abundance and biomass of the zooplankton significantly decreased from the Northern to the Southern Adriatic Sea. Zooplanktonic communities in the different sub-areas of the Adriatic Sea showed significant differences in composition and abundance between southern and northern areas, but not between inshore and offshore samples. These differences were related to oceanographic variables, revealing a correlation with chlorophyll a, salinity and dissolved oxygen. SIA on the zooplankton allowed to cluster taxa in trophic groups with similar isotopic signature. These groups were then compared with data from literature, showing a variation for some taxa, maybe because of their trophic plasticity, according to resource availability. SIA also revealed the presence of significant differences in δ13C values between inshore and offshore samples in the central GSA 17, and in δ15N values between inshore and offshore samples in the northern and central GSA 17. These differences might be caused by a different contribution of terrestrial vs. marine sources of N and C, and/or to different trophic dynamics between costal and oceanic food webs. SIA also showed a polynomial trend for δ15N in anchovies, in fact δ15N increased with length up to about 9 cm, and then decreased. This may be caused by a shift to herbivory in larger fishes. δ13C values instead decreased with fish length, maybe because larger fish tend to forage in off-shore areas. For sardines SIA results showed a similar pattern for δ15N values, but δ13C did not vary significantly with size. Finally, the combined isotopic signature of these two species showed how they share a similar trophic position, due to similar δ15N values, but they use different trophic resources, as δ13C values poorly overlapped, pointed to a resource partitioning between the two species. Moreover, these two species play a fundamental role in pelagic trophic webs, being positioned at intermediate trophic level between zooplankton and large predators.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Tesi Menicucci Samuele Magistrale.pdf
Open Access dal 24/02/2023
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