Sharks are cartilaginous fishes that may occupy both intermediate and upper levels of marine food webs. Worldwide they are overfished as a commercial and sport fishing target and, together with marine mammal and turtles, they constitute one of the largest portions of the bycatch. In particular, the removal of top-predator species has negative cascading effects on the entire food web, causing the so-called "mesopredator re-lease" phenomenon, which leads to an increase in mesopredators with a consequent change in the ecosystem energetic balance. Despite their important ecological role, information on their trophic ecology is lim-ited. Information on the composition of their diet is essential and can be obtained through the analysis of the stomach contents (Stomach Content Analysis or SCA) and the analysis of the stable isotopes (Stable Isotope Analysis or SIA). For the project described in this thesis, muscle tissue samples were taken from two different species of sharks belonging to the Scyliorhinidae family: Poroderma africanum (endemic to South Africa) and Scyliorhinus canicula (captured in the Mediterranean Sea, pre-cisely in the Tyrrhenian Sea), for this latter data from SIA have been integrated with those obtained by SCA. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were then performed considering site, sex and length factors for P. africanum and sex and length for S. canicula. The results obtained from the stable isotopes analysis of Nitrogen and Carbon were analyzed using the R SIMMR and SIBER packages to estimate the contribution of potential food sources to the diet of the two species and to evaluate the extent of their trophic niches based on the significance obtained from previous statistical analyzes. In Poroderma africanum, a significant increase in δ13C with increasing total length was observed. The SIMMR outputs also showed that adults select more benthic prey such as the gastropod Phalium craticulatum than juveniles, which select more planktonic species. The SIBER outputs showed that juveniles have a wider diet while adults have a more selective diet in relation to the prey trophic level. Similar results were obtained for Scyliorhinus canicula, where there is a significant increase in δ13C with increasing total length. Also for this species, both SIA and SCA confirmed that the juveniles primarily select more nektobenthic prey such as the red bandfish Cepola macrophthalma than adults, which prefer more benthic prey such as the red snapping shrimp Alpheus glaber. Although they live in very different places, this thesis has shown that the two species have many characteristics in common. In fact, both act as mesopredators occupying the intermediate level of the food web they belong to. Concerning P. africanum (increasing population, as assessed by IUCN), there are no well-defined monitoring programs, as demonstrated by the lack of well-structured catch data for the species, with respect to those for S. canicula, whose population is increasing, as assessed by the IUCN evaluation on their population status (European regional assessment). Therefore, given the role mesopredators likely play in determining structure and function of ecosystems, an understanding of the dynamics of mesopredator interactions is crucial to elucidating the potential effects of predation in marine systems.
Gli squali sono pesci cartilaginei che occupano i livelli intermedi ed alti della rete trofica marina, caratterizzandosi, a seconda della specie, età e/o taglia sia come mesopredatori che come predatori apicali. In tutto il mondo vengono sovrasfruttati come oggetto di pesca commerciale e sportiva e sono una delle porzioni più consistenti, insieme a mammiferi marini e tartarughe, del by-catch (catture accidentali). La rimozione delle specie che fungono da predatori apicali, oltre ad avere effetti a cascata negativi su tutta la rete trofica, può causare un fenomeno chiamato “mesopredator release”, che porta all’aumento dei mesopredatori con un conseguente cambiamento nell’equilibrio dell’ecosistema. Nonostante il loro importante ruolo ecologico, sia come mesopredatori sia come predatori apicali, le informazioni relative alla loro ecologia trofica sono limitate. Informazioni sulla composizione della loro dieta sono essenziali e si possono ottenere tramite l’analisi del contenuto stomacale (Stomach Content Analysis o SCA) e l’analisi del contenuto di isotopi stabili (Stable Isotope Analysis o SIA). Per il progetto descritto in questa tesi, sono stati prelevati campioni di tessuto muscolare, per le successive analisi degli isotopi stabili di azoto e carbonio, da due specie diverse di squali appartenenti alla famiglia degli Scyliorhinidae: Poroderma africanum (endemico del Sud Africa) e Scyliorhinus canicula (catturato nel Mar Mediterraneo, precisamente nel Mar Tirreno). Per quest’ultima specie sono stati integrati i dati SIA con dati provenienti dall’analisi dei contenuti stomacali di Scyliorhinus canicula. Sono state eseguite in seguito analisi statistiche univariate e multivariate utilizzando PRIMER6 a PERMANOVA+ considerando i fattori sito, sesso e lunghezza per P. africanum e sesso e lunghezza per S. canicula. I risultati ottenuti dalle analisi degli isotopi stabili di N e C sono stati analizzati tramite i pacchetti R SIMMR e SIBER per la stima del contributo delle fonti potenziali di cibo alla dieta delle due specie e la valutazione dell’ampiezza delle loro nicchie trofiche in base alle significatività ottenute dalle analisi statistiche precedenti. In Poroderma africanum si è notato un incremento significativo del δ13C con l’aumentare della lunghezza totale. Anche gli output di SIMMR hanno evidenziato che gli adulti selezionano prede maggiormente bentoniche come il mollusco gasteropode Phalium craticulatum rispetto ai giovanili, i quali selezionano specie più nectobentoniche e/o planctoniche. Gli output di SIBER hanno mostrato come i giovanili abbiano una dieta più ampia mentre gli adulti hanno una dieta più selettiva, selezionando specie di più alto livello trofico. Anche in Scyliorhinus canicula c’è un incremento significativo del δ13C con l’aumentare della lunghezza totale. I risultati ottenuti dalle analisi svolte ci confermano come i giovanili siano proiettati a selezionare primariamente prede più nectobentoniche come Cepola macrophthalma rispetto agli adulti, che preferiscono prede più bentoniche, come il gamberetto schioccatore Alpheus glaber. Nonostante vivano in luoghi molto diversi la presente tesi ha dimostrato come le due specie abbiano molte caratteristiche in comune. Infatti, entrambe occupano lo stesso livello nella rete trofica, essendo squali mesopredatori. A dimostrazione del fatto che per P. africanum (popolazione in aumento, come stimato dalla IUCN), non esistono programmi di monitoraggio ben definiti, i dati sulle catture, accidentali o meno, dovuti alla pesca locale di questa specie in Sudafrica sono pochi rispetto a quelli relativi a S. canicula, la cui popolazione è in aumento, come stimato dalla valutazione dello stato della sua popolazione in Mediterraneo da parte dell’IUCN..
Sharks are cartilaginous fishes that may occupy both intermediate and upper levels of marine food webs. Worldwide they are overfished as a commercial and sport fishing target and, together with marine mammal and turtles, they constitute one of the largest portions of the bycatch. In particular, the removal of top-predator species has negative cascading effects on the entire food web, causing the so-called "mesopredator re-lease" phenomenon, which leads to an increase in mesopredators with a consequent change in the ecosystem energetic balance. Despite their important ecological role, information on their trophic ecology is lim-ited. Information on the composition of their diet is essential and can be obtained through the analysis of the stomach contents (Stomach Content Analysis or SCA) and the analysis of the stable isotopes (Stable Isotope Analysis or SIA). For the project described in this thesis, muscle tissue samples were taken from two different species of sharks belonging to the Scyliorhinidae family: Poroderma africanum (endemic to South Africa) and Scyliorhinus canicula (captured in the Mediterranean Sea, pre-cisely in the Tyrrhenian Sea), for this latter data from SIA have been integrated with those obtained by SCA. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were then performed considering site, sex and length factors for P. africanum and sex and length for S. canicula. The results obtained from the stable isotopes analysis of Nitrogen and Carbon were analyzed using the R SIMMR and SIBER packages to estimate the contribution of potential food sources to the diet of the two species and to evaluate the extent of their trophic niches based on the significance obtained from previous statistical analyzes. In Poroderma africanum, a significant increase in δ13C with increasing total length was observed. The SIMMR outputs also showed that adults select more benthic prey such as the gastropod Phalium craticulatum than juveniles, which select more planktonic species. The SIBER outputs showed that juveniles have a wider diet while adults have a more selective diet in relation to the prey trophic level. Similar results were obtained for Scyliorhinus canicula, where there is a significant increase in δ13C with increasing total length. Also for this species, both SIA and SCA confirmed that the juveniles primarily select more nektobenthic prey such as the red bandfish Cepola macrophthalma than adults, which prefer more benthic prey such as the red snapping shrimp Alpheus glaber. Although they live in very different places, this thesis has shown that the two species have many characteristics in common. In fact, both act as mesopredators occupying the intermediate level of the food web they belong to. Concerning P. africanum (increasing population, as assessed by IUCN), there are no well-defined monitoring programs, as demonstrated by the lack of well-structured catch data for the species, with respect to those for S. canicula, whose population is increasing, as assessed by the IUCN evaluation on their population status (European regional assessment). Therefore, given the role mesopredators likely play in determining structure and function of ecosystems, an understanding of the dynamics of mesopredator interactions is crucial to elucidating the potential effects of predation in marine systems.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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