The bottlenose dolphin is a species considered vulnerable in the Mediterranean by the IUCN Red List, and is protected under the Habitat Directive, the Bonn Convention, CITES, the Bern Convention, the SPA/Bio Protocol of the Barcellona Convention and the Bonn Convention. This thesis work is part of the long-term project on the study of the sub-population of bottlenose dolphins in the waters off the province of Agrigento (Strait of Sicily), named I Delfini del Mar d’Akragas, conducted by Associazione MeRiS – Mediterraneo Ricerca e Sviluppo. Skin lesions are very frequent on cetaceans’ body, and they are widely distributed in all populations around the globe. Their presence can be caused by intra- and interspecific interactions, which also include interactions with human activities, by the onset of pathogenic infections and by changes in environmental conditions. The purpose of this thesis is to assess the incidence of skin lesions in the sub-population of bottlenose dolphins living in the waters of the province of Agrigento (Sicily). Skin lesions were detected with high-quality photographs of dolphins identified and included in the catalogue developed by MeRiS between 2016 and 2020, through the photo-identification technique. All photographs in the catalogue were visually screened to find all the potential skin lesions. Fourteen skin lesions were identified, and their prevalence and permanence time were examined; the prevalence is how much a particular typology is present inside the population under study. The pattern of skin disorders was assessed for the abundance, richness, distribution, and severity in two different body regions: dorsal fin and dorso-lateral region. In addition, their modification and evolution during the study period was also assessed, using ImageJ. The prevalence calculation showed that the most frequent skin lesion in the sub-population of the province of Agrigento is the lesion defined as white amorphous (with a frequency of 49%). It seems to be linked to the healing process following trauma or infection. It has a higher prevalence both in the dorso-lateral region and in the dorsal fin. The majority of skin lesions (92.8%) have a temporary permanence on the body of individuals (permanence < 4 years), while the so-called gunshot wound is the only one to have been classified as permanent. Due to its prolonged permanence, it has been considered as the most severe lesion on both the dorsal fin and the dorso-lateral region. The results showed higher values of abundance, richness and distribution, in particular the lesion defined as white amorphous, in the dorso-lateral region than in the dorsal fin, with the exception of parasitism and spotted. Based on their size, most of the skin lesions did not undergo changes over time, while the remaining part faced a reduction in size related to a possible healing. The photo-id can provide an efficient and cost-effective approach to document the presence of skin lesions in bottlenose dolphin populations; it allows the sampling of all specimens sighted. Although they do not appear to be fatal, skin lesions observed may be indicative of the health status of the animals, which reflects the presence of poor environmental conditions or anthropogenic threats. Currently, the waters of the province of Agrigento do not benefit from any form of protection, therefore, the results presented here offer important information for a future management and conservation plan.
Il tursiope, in Mediterraneo, è una specie considerata vulnerabile dalla lista rossa IUCN ed è protetta dalla Direttiva Habitat (92/43 CE). Le lesioni cutanee si manifestano frequentemente sul corpo dei cetacei. La loro presenza può essere causata da interazioni intraspecifiche ed interspecifiche, che comprendono le interazioni con le attività antropiche, l’insorgenza di infezioni patogene e i cambiamenti delle condizioni ambientali. Lo scopo di questa tesi è valutare l’incidenza delle lesioni cutanee nella sotto-popolazione di tursiopi che abita le acque della provincia di Agrigento (Sicilia). Le lesioni cutanee sono state rilevate tramite l’uso di fotografie ad alta qualità dei delfini identificati e inseriti nel catalogo sviluppato dalla associazione MeRiS nel periodo dal 2016 al 2020, attraverso la tecnica della foto-identificazione. Tutte le fotografie presenti nel catalogo sono state sottoposte ad uno screening visivo per poter individuare le potenziali lesioni cutanee presenti. Sono state identificate un totale di quattordici tipologie di lesioni cutanee e di esse sono state esaminate la prevalenza, cioè quanto una determinata tipologia è presente all’interno della popolazione in studio, e il tempo di permanenza sul corpo degli animali. La composizione delle lesioni individuate è stata valutata secondo diversi parametri, come l’abbondanza, la ricchezza, la distribuzione e la severità in relazione a tutta la porzione del corpo visibile, suddivisa in pinna dorsale e porzione dorso-laterale. Inoltre, è stata anche valutata la loro modificazione ed evoluzione in termini di estensione nel corso del periodo di studio, utilizzando lo strumento ImageJ. Il calcolo della prevalenza ha evidenziato che la lesione cutanea più frequente nella sub-popolazione della provincia di Agrigento è quella definita come white amorphous (frequenza 49%), la quale sembra essere legata al processo di guarigione in seguito a traumi o infezioni. Essa possiede una più alta prevalenza sia sulla porzione dorso-laterale, sia sulla pinna dosale. La maggior parte delle lesioni cutanee (92.8%) ha una permanenza temporanea sul corpo degli individui (permanenza < 4 anni), mentre la lesione denominata ferita da arma da fuoco è la sola lesione incontrata ad essere stata classificata come permanente (permanenza > 4 anni). Data la sua prolungata permanenza, essa è stata considerata come la lesione con la severità maggiore sia sulla pinna dorsale che sulla porzione dorso-laterale. I risultati hanno mostrato valori di abbondanza, ricchezza e distribuzione più alti a livello della porzione dorso-laterale rispetto alla pinna dorsale per la maggior parte dei disturbi della pelle, fatta eccezione per le lesioni chiamate parassitismo e spotted che prevalgono sulla pinna dorsale. Sulla base delle loro dimensioni, è possibile affermare che buona parte delle lesioni cutanee non ha subito particolari cambiamenti nel corso del tempo, mentre la restante parte ha subito una riduzione delle dimensioni, probabilmente legata ad una possibile guarigione. La foto-id si è rivelata essere un approccio efficiente ed economico per documentare l’incidenza delle lesioni cutanee nella popolazione di tursiopi, poiché permette il campionamento di tutti gli esemplari avvistati. Anche se non sembrano essere fatali, le lesioni cutanee osservate sono una manifestazione di problemi di salute dovuti principalmente ad interazioni intraspecifiche o alla presenza di patogeni, le quali possono peggiorare in presenza di cattive condizioni ambientali. Attualmente le acque della provincia di Agrigento non godono di nessun tipo di protezione per i tursiopi, pertanto i risultati di questa tesi potrebbero offrire informazioni importanti per un futuro piano di gestione e conservazione.
The bottlenose dolphin is a species considered vulnerable in the Mediterranean by the IUCN Red List, and is protected under the Habitat Directive, the Bonn Convention, CITES, the Bern Convention, the SPA/Bio Protocol of the Barcellona Convention and the Bonn Convention. This thesis work is part of the long-term project on the study of the sub-population of bottlenose dolphins in the waters off the province of Agrigento (Strait of Sicily), named I Delfini del Mar d’Akragas, conducted by Associazione MeRiS – Mediterraneo Ricerca e Sviluppo. Skin lesions are very frequent on cetaceans’ body, and they are widely distributed in all populations around the globe. Their presence can be caused by intra- and interspecific interactions, which also include interactions with human activities, by the onset of pathogenic infections and by changes in environmental conditions. The purpose of this thesis is to assess the incidence of skin lesions in the sub-population of bottlenose dolphins living in the waters of the province of Agrigento (Sicily). Skin lesions were detected with high-quality photographs of dolphins identified and included in the catalogue developed by MeRiS between 2016 and 2020, through the photo-identification technique. All photographs in the catalogue were visually screened to find all the potential skin lesions. Fourteen skin lesions were identified, and their prevalence and permanence time were examined; the prevalence is how much a particular typology is present inside the population under study. The pattern of skin disorders was assessed for the abundance, richness, distribution, and severity in two different body regions: dorsal fin and dorso-lateral region. In addition, their modification and evolution during the study period was also assessed, using ImageJ. The prevalence calculation showed that the most frequent skin lesion in the sub-population of the province of Agrigento is the lesion defined as white amorphous (with a frequency of 49%). It seems to be linked to the healing process following trauma or infection. It has a higher prevalence both in the dorso-lateral region and in the dorsal fin. The majority of skin lesions (92.8%) have a temporary permanence on the body of individuals (permanence < 4 years), while the so-called gunshot wound is the only one to have been classified as permanent. Due to its prolonged permanence, it has been considered as the most severe lesion on both the dorsal fin and the dorso-lateral region. The results showed higher values of abundance, richness and distribution, in particular the lesion defined as white amorphous, in the dorso-lateral region than in the dorsal fin, with the exception of parasitism and spotted. Based on their size, most of the skin lesions did not undergo changes over time, while the remaining part faced a reduction in size related to a possible healing. The photo-id can provide an efficient and cost-effective approach to document the presence of skin lesions in bottlenose dolphin populations; it allows the sampling of all specimens sighted. Although they do not appear to be fatal, skin lesions observed may be indicative of the health status of the animals, which reflects the presence of poor environmental conditions or anthropogenic threats. Currently, the waters of the province of Agrigento do not benefit from any form of protection, therefore, the results presented here offer important information for a future management and conservation plan.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 18/07/2024
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